Detection of movement-related cortical potentials associated with emergency and non-emergency tasks


This study focuses on a demonstration of differences between movement-related cortical potentials (MRCPs) during emergency and non-emergency situations. Two paradigms were designed for emergency and non-emergency situations. The necessary pre-processing and Laplacian spatial filter were used in the collected data. Then initial negative phase of MRCPs was extracted from scalp electroencephalogram (EEG) in non-emergency situation and compared with that in emergency situation. Based on the data of non-emergency, a matched filter (MF) algorithm was designed and was used to detect the motor intention in two paradigms. The result shows a significant difference of the initial negative phase of the MRCP in two cases. In addition, if the MF algorithm based on non-emergency situation was used for emergency situations directly, there was a large difference in accuracy. The true positive rate was 60.57±14.79% in nonemergency while 44.29±5.73% in emergency. The result indicates that additional consideration should be given to emergency situation when designing algorithms or collecting data. So, we designed a new algorithm to solve this problem, which works better compared to simple MF. The algorithm effectively improves the true positive rate and reduces the false positive per minute.

2018 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Gan Huang
Gan Huang

My research interests include Neural Modulation, Brain Computer Interface and Neural Prosthetics.