M3CV A multi-subject, multi-session, and multi-task database for EEG-based biometrics challenge

EEG signals exhibit commonality and variability across subjects, sessions, and tasks. But most existing EEG studies focus on mean group effects (commonality) by averaging signals over trials and subjects. The substantial intra- and inter-subject …

Cross-Individual Affective Detection Using EEG Signals with Audio-Visual Embedding

Affective computing is an increasing interdisciplinary research field that provides great potential to recognize, understand and express human emotions. Recently, multimodal analysis starts to gain more popularity in affective studies, which could …

A new perspective on individual reliability beyond group effect for event-related potentials: A multisensory investigation and computational modeling

The dominant approach in investigating the individual reliability for event-related potentials (ERPs) is to extract peak-related features at electrodes showing the strongest group effects. Such a peak-based approach implicitly assumes ERP components …

Using a new phase-locked visual feedback protocol to affirm simpler models for alpha dynamics

Alpha band oscillations are the most prominent rhythmic oscillations in EEG, which are related to various types of mental diseases, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, and depression. However, the dynamics of alpha …

EEGFuseNet: Hybrid Unsupervised Deep Feature Characterization and Fusion for High-Dimensional EEG with An Application to Emotion Recognition

How to effectively and efficiently extract valid and reliable features from high-dimensional electroencephalography (EEG), particularly how to fuse the spatial and temporal dynamic brain information into a better feature representation, is a critical …

Multimodal Neuroimaging Predictors of Learning Performance of Sensorimotor Rhythm Up-Regulation Neurofeedback

Electroencephalographic (EEG) neurofeedback (NFB) is a popular neuromodulation method to help one selectively enhance or inhibit his/her brain activities by means of real-time visual or auditory feedback of EEG signals. Sensory motor rhythm (SMR) NFB …

Abnormal transitions of dynamic functional connectivity states in bipolar disorder: A whole-brain resting-state fMRI study

Background Dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) based on resting-state fMRI has attracted interest in the field of bipolar disorder (BD), because dFC can better capture the evolving processes of emotion and cognition, which are typically impaired in …

A Multisensory fMRI Investigation of Nociceptive-preferential Cortical Regions and Responses

The existence of nociceptive-specific brain regions has been a controversial issue for decades. Multisensory fMRI studies, which examine fMRI activities in response to various types of sensory stimulation, could help identify nociceptive-specific …

Deep Learning in EEG Decoding: A Review

In recent years,deep learning algorithms have been developed rapidly,and they are becoming a powerful tool in biomedical engineering. Especially,there has been an increasing focus on the use of deep learning algorithms for decoding …

Predicting Individual Pain Thresholds From Morphological Connectivity Using Structural MRI: A Multivariate Analysis Study

Pain sensitivity is highly variable among individuals, and it is clinically important to predict an individual’s pain sensitivity for individualized diagnosis and management of pain. Literature has shown that pain sensitivity is associated with …