Window function for EEG power density estimation and its application in SSVEP based BCIs

A high quality power density estimation for certain frequency components in a short time is of key importance in Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials (SSVEP) based Brain Computer Interface (BCI). In this paper, the effect of the window functions in …

An EMG-based handwriting recognition through dynamic time warping

In this paper, an electromyography (EMG)-based handwriting recognition method was proposed for a latent tendency of natural user interface. The subjects wrote the characters at a normal speed, and six channels of EMG signals were recorded from …

Unsupervised adaptation based on fuzzy c-means for brain-computer interface

An important property of brain signals is their nonstationarity. How to adapt a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) to the changing brain states is one of the challenges faced by BCI researchers, especially in a real application scenario where the …

Automated Selecting Subset of Channels Based on CSP in Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interface System

The Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) algorithm is a popular method for efficiently calculating spatial filters. However, several previous studies show that CSP's performance deteriorates especially when the number of channels is large compared to small …