An Autoencoder-based Approach to Predict Subjective Pain Perception from High-density Evoked EEG Potentials

Pain is a subjective experience and clinicians need to treat patients with accurate pain levels. EEG has emerged as a useful tool for objective pain assessment, but due to the low signal-to-noise ratio of pain-related EEG signals, the prediction …

Sliding Window Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (SW-NMF) for Robustness Low-Density Myoelectric Signals Decoding Against Electrodes Shift

In this paper, the problem of electrodes shift is studied in low-density surface electromyographic (sEMG) based prosthetic control with the proposed Sliding Window Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (SW-NMF) algorithm. By artificially switching the …

Detection of movement-related cortical potentials associated with emergency and non-emergency tasks

This study focuses on a demonstration of differences between movement-related cortical potentials (MRCPs) during emergency and non-emergency situations. Two paradigms were designed for emergency and non-emergency situations. The necessary …

The recognition of driving action based on EEG signals using wavelet-CSP algorithm

The ability of recognizing driving actions could help building a more advanced driving assitance system, and could even be applied in automated driving to improve the driving safety. In this paper, we investigate the offline recognition of three …

A least across-segment variance (LASV) method for the correction of EEG-fMRI desynchronization

Simultaneous collection of electroencephalogram (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a promising neuroimaging technique, which can provide high resolution in both spatial and temporal domain. Because EEG recorded in MRI scanners …

Improving sensitivity of cluster-based permutation test for EEG/MEG data

To solve multiple comparisons problems in EEG/MEG analyses, cluster-based permutation test is possibly the most powerful approach, while it also inherits the advantage of well-controlled family-wise error rate from point-level permutation test. …

A Time-Warping Method for the Concentration of Nearly Periodic Signals in EEG Spectrum

Measuring the amplitude of specific frequencies in the spectrum of the EEG signal is a technique that is increasingly used to study the cortical activities related to rhythmic activities, such as the processing of acoustic rhythms, or the performance …

High definition transcranial direct current stimulation (HD-tDCS) to probe the involvement of the primary somatosensory cortex in nociception

The primary somatosensory cortex is differentially involved in vibrotaction and nociception

Pinprick evoked brain potentials recorded before and after high frequency stimulation of human skin revel a potential brain correlate of secondary hyperalgesia